The Weaving Pavillion was at the Village, downtown Beijing, where it was the main centre for the NOTCH 10 Art & Culture festival. It is the first weaved structure (no glue, screws or nails) to function as facade, roof, column and foundation.
This pavilion wished to explore the potential of weaving as an alternative method of construction in architecture. While traditional building methods of construction are based on stapling (bricks), casting (concrete) and welding elements (space frames and trusses), weaving offers structural stability with weaving as the only binding solution. The project is the result of a two year research, which started in Japan. Thanks to Liberty, Isobel and Max for their fantastic efforts on site. More here.
Project made possible thanks to Margot & Thorvald Dreyers Fond and Statens Kunstfond.
Pavilion: David Garcia, David Garcia Studio .
Onsite team / David Garcia Studio: Liberty Adrien, Isobel & Max Gerthel.
Electronic Ecosystem: Jacob Sikker Remin & Mogens Jacobsen.
Composition: Morten Riis.
PCB Design: David Gauthier.
Thanks to:
Lei Yang, Bo Zhang, Caroline Ektander and all the people at Notch.